First Christmas Flash-a-Cards


Beautiful, realistic visualizations of the Bible stories

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The Abeka Flash-a-Card series is one of the best picture resources available for Bible classes. The pictures are realistic and vivid. A manual that identifies each picture is included. 

The Life of Christ 1 - The First Christmas set comes with 27 pictures for these stories: 
  • The Promise of the Savior CA1
  • The Birth of Jesus CA2
  • Angels Bring the News to the Shepherds CA3
  • Wise Men Worship the King CA4
  • The Flight into Egypt CA5
Special feature in booklet set only: 7 pictures for "First Thanksgiving"
Cards are 12" wide x 15.5" tall Recommended for full-size classrooms, resource room collections, etc.
Booklet Bible Stories are 8.5" wide x 11" tall Recommended for mission work, very small classes, homeschool, etc.
Recommendation: The manual that come with the cards contain denominational doctrine. If cards will be available for congregational use, use the books to write on the back of each picture a caption identifying the picture. Then discard the books so no one has to sort through the error.
Disclaimer: Title is intended to refer to the birth of Jesus. However, the concept of "Christmas" is not found in the Bible, nor are we commanded to observe Jesus' birth.
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