What Others Say
If you've read the other pages of our site, you have
read one perspective of the workshop. This page is dedicated to the comments of
those who have attended the workshop through the years. If you have attended
and would like your comments to be added, please email us.
"I attended your workshop last year. It changed
my life. Before, I was just playing class. Now I teach the Bible. It makes all
the difference." Polishing The Pulpit attendee
"I attend at least one teacher's workshop each year but this was the first time I was actually taught "Bible" along with methods. I truly appreciate your work and the fact that you teach things we seem to have forgotten in the church..." RA Cleveland, TN
"I wanted to drop you a line to again thank you
for your hard work in making our workshop such a success ….. the local ladies
have literally been vibrating with enthusiasm and I’m sure the same is true for
our visitors ….. I’ve had teachers that haven’t been in a classroom for years
come to me and express a desire to return to work …. We have been blessed as a
congregation thanks to your efforts …… thank you again" SH Boiling
Springs, SC
"I want to thank you again for your workshop yesterday. You have a passion for teaching, especially God's word. Thank you for sharing that passion as well as the material and experience you have gathered through the years." CA Collierville, TN
"... a marvelous job of explaining the awesome
role of Bible class teachers and encouraging teachers to prepare themselves as
well as their lessons to the ultimate goal of training children in the Lord.
The practical how-to portion of the workshop gives teachers great ideas on ways
to engrave those lessons on the hearts of children. I highly recommend this
workshop." LK Huntsville, AL
"Thanks for coming to Tanner...for the ladies. Your displays were awe inspiring and I believe that Tanner and other congregations will grow because of your work…Thank you for a breath of fresh air and a renewed strength." GS Tanner, AL
"From several of the attendees I've heard a renewed resolve to make our education program all it can (and should) be. This is exactly what we needed; thanks for jump-starting us." TH Rogersville, AL
"I wanted to let you know that everyone from attendees to deacons to elders thought the workshop was such a huge success!! All the ladies who came said wonderful things and were very excited to get to work on their classes. I so greatly appreciate the work that you did/do in putting up all that information and presenting it in such a way as to fire up and encourage those who teach. I have no doubt that we need that over and over again in every congregation in the brotherhood." VR St Louis, MO
"This isn't just for teachers. Every lady should be here." West Plains, MO